Sunday, June 12, 2011

Which tobacco growers use H2A workers the most?

More than half of flue-cured and  dark tobacco growers participating in a recent survey reported using H-2A labor in 2010. Among flue-cured growers, 69% used H-2A labor last season compared to 64% of dark tobacco growers. Only 21% of burley growers reported using H-2A workers. For more details from the survey, which was conducted by the Center for Tobacco Growers Research at the University of Tennessee, go to the organization's website at

There was definitely an increase in plantings in North Carolina of the flue-cured variety NC 196 this year, says Sandy Stewart, N.C. Extension tobacco specialist. "It performs consistently over a lot of different soil types, has good yields and a good disease package," he says.

Budworms began to appear in flue-cured in late May and early June. If you used Coragen in your transplant water for budworm control but you still find second instar larval populations above a 10% infestation level, select a material with a different mode of action If you decide you need a foliar rescue treatment, says Hannah Burrack, N,C. Extension entomologist. Tracer or Blackhawk, Denim, Orthene and methomyl would be possible choices. Important note: To avoid any development of budworm resistance to Coragen, if you used Coragen in the transplant water do not apply Belt or Coragen as the first foliar treatment following transplant .

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