Thursday, January 4, 2024



Seeding trays in Georgia last week.


Some greenhouses have already been seeded in Georgia. But J. Michael Moore, Georgia Extension tobacco specialist, considers now is too early, by quite a bit. “I prefer waiting till later in January to supply transplants after April 7, after the end of the first flight of thrips, which has proven an effective strategy for re-ducing tomato spotted wilt. Patience will definitely work in your favor.”


How to cut greenhouse heat: You may be able to cut the heating bill for your greenhouse by delaying seeding until after the coldest weather of January and still have plants ready for transplanting in early April, says Moore. “You can reduce your gas bill significantly this way,” he says. “When you need heat, you need it, but there is certainly no need to heat more than necessary.”


Issues with Orondis for black shank control in Georgia in 2023? “There were instances of injury after application of the premix in the transplant water,” says Moore. One way of lessening the problem: “Apply Orondis and Ridomil in the transplant water as the co-pack of the products rather than a premix,” he says.


Varieties versus chemicals? It might be time to rely more on black shank varieties than on chemical control. In Georgia, two relatively new flue-cured varieties might help. “NC 1226 and NC 960 have outstanding black shank resistance and could fit in pretty well here,” says Moore.


Don’t get ahead of yourself with your greenhouse fertilizer. Some farmers have gotten in the habit of making their initial greenhouse application as late as four weeks after seeding, says Matthew Vann, N.C. Extension tobacco specialist. “Excellent transplants are best obtained from an initial ap­plication of fertilizer to supply 100 to 150 ppm of nitrogen within seven days after seeding plus a second application to supply 100 ppm nitrogen four weeks later,” he says.


Will broadleaf bow out in the Black Patch of western Kentucky and north central Tennessee? At the peak of Connecticut broadleaf planting a few years ago, the Black Patch produced perhaps 1,000 acres of the type, says Andy Bailey, Kentucky/Tennessee Extension dark specialist. Acreage last year might have only reached 300 acres.

Overall, the yield was good for this type, says Bailey, from at least 1,800 pounds per acre to perhaps 2,000, for a total of perhaps 600 thousand pounds. Unfortunately, the percentage of wrappers was low, and profitability on this type is completely dependent on the amount of wrapper/binder grades produced. Growers producing Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco should strive for at least 50% wrapper/binder grades, but many growers got much less than that. “I have been told by many that the 2023 crop is the last Connecticut crop they will plant.”


51st Tobacco Workers' Conference, January 15 – 18, at the Convention Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. For more information, go to the official website at

Annual Meeting, KT Burley & Dark Tobacco Producer Association /The Council for Burley Tobacco, January 18, at Sloan Convention Center. Bowling Green, Kentucky. 9 a.m.--3:45 p.m. Central Time.

Southern Farm Show, January 31 through February 2, N.C. State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, starting at 9 a.m. each day. Admission is free.

Annual Meeting, Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina, 10 a.m., Friday, February 2, at the N.C. State Fairgrounds in Raleigh.

GAP TRAINING MEETINGS BEGAN THIS WEEK. For information, call GAP at 865.622.4606, or email or contact your local Extension office. All meetings are in English.

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